Grade IV - Yardstick Activity - Layers of Atmosphere Life on Earth would not be possible without air. Our air (the atmosphere) provides us with oxygen to breathe and carbon dioxide for plants to live. Not only does it contain the oxygen we need to live, but it also protects us from harmful radiation. It creates the pressure without which liquid water could not exist on our planet’s surface and it warms our planet and keeps temperature habitable for our living earth. These five different layers provide protection and make life possible because of the constituent gases that state the significance and importance of the atmosphere. These layers provide a wide range of distribution of gases at each layer of the atmosphere. Grade IV students performed yardstick – layers of atmosphere to understand better each layer and its importance for all living things. Students used stickers of living things, aeroplanes, parachutes, and the satellite Moon and they were able to identify the occurrences that take place in the different layers of the atmosphere. Teaching layers of the atmosphere is not merely an academic activity; it has practical, social, and personal implications that can enrich students’ lives and shape them into informed, compassionate and empowered individuals. ""
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